Publication Date: 21/10/2021 ISBN: 9780712354103 Category:

Sunless Solstice

British Library

Publisher: British Library Publishing
Publication Date: 21/10/2021 ISBN: 9780712354103 Category:
Paperback / Softback


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‘Like any other boy I expected ghost stories at Christmas, that was the time for them. What I had not expected, and now feared, was that such things should actually become real.’

Strange things happen on the dark wintry nights of December. Welcome to a new collection of haunting Christmas tales, ranging from traditional Victorian chillers to weird and uncanny episodes by twentieth-century horror masters including Daphne du Maurier and Robert Aickman.

Lurking in the blizzard are menacing cat spirits, vengeful trees, malignant forces on the mountainside and a skater skirting the line between the mortal and spiritual realms. Wrap up warm – and prepare for the longest nights of all.

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